A Planning Application has been submitted that you may be interested in. Here is the consultation letter from Wandsworth Council on the matter:
Letter from Wandsworth Council:
LOCATION: Garratt Park Depot Maskell Road SW17 0LF
The Council has recently received an application for planning permission at the above address for:
PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing buildings and erection of two storey portacabin and parking bays for refuse vehicles
If you wish to comment on this application please write to us either by email (to planning@wandsworth.gov.uk) or letter or via the website by 13 June 2024, quoting the application number above. Comments received late will be considered if practical to do so.
Comments should include your name and address, the application number and the site address in any correspondence (including e-mail). You do not have to provide your telephone number or e-mail address. Please do not include this information (including on the online form) if you do not want it to be published on our website. If you are sending a letter, it is advisable not to sign it if you do not want your signature to appear on the web. If you choose to comment by sending us an email, then to avoid your email address also appearing on this website, send your comments as an attachment to the email. The Council encourages comments to be made by email or the website, both of which will be automatically acknowledged electronically. There will be no acknowledgement to letters, however all comments will be available for public viewing on the Council’s website within 3 working days of receipt.
The details of the proposal above are a summary. You can see full details of the application and leave comments by going to the Wandsworth homepage at http://www.wandsworth.gov.uk and then clicking on the I want to… View a planning application link. The easiest way to access the details is to enter the application number in the Planning quick search. To view the documents of the application including any drawings, please click on ‘View Associated Application Documents & Make Online Comments for Live Applications’. Any update to the “comments until” date will be posted on this webpage. If you are having difficulty in viewing the drawings, please contact the case officer.
Due to the high volume of comments we receive, we are unable to enter into written correspondence. You can find out the method and date of the determination by following the application online. The final decision will also be available online.